Subnetting is the most tested topic
of CCNA. In this article I would show you the method of subnetting.
of Subnetting
Reduced network traffic
One network
will not access the data of other network without the use of router. Thus we
can reduce the amount of data remain in one network. Less data less overhead,
collision, or broadcast storm.
Optimized network performance
This is a
result of reduced network traffic.
Simplified management
It's easier
to identify and isolate network problems in a group of Smaller connected
networks than within one gigantic network. Facilitated spanning of large
geographical distances Because WAN links are significantly slower and more
expensive than LAN links, a single large network that spans long distances can
create problems in every area earlier listed. Connecting multiple smaller
networks makes the system more efficient.
Powers of 2
Powers of 2
are important to understand and memorize for use with IP subnetting.
Before we go
further let's get familiar with subnetting components
Subnet mask
A subnet
mask is a 32-bit value that allows the receiver of IP packets to distinguish
the network ID portion of the IP address from the host ID portion of the IP
address. Every IP address is composed of a network component and a host
component. The subnet mask has a single purpose: to identify which part of an
IP address is the network component and which part is the host component.
Subnet mask value 0 represent host ID while subnet mask value 1 to 255
represents Network ID in ip address.
Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR)
This slash
notation is sometimes called CIDR (Classless Inter-Domain Routing) notation.
It's basically the method that ISPs (Internet service providers) use to
allocate a number of Addresses to a company, a home—a customer. The slash notation
is simply the number of 1s in a row in the subnet mask. The real reason to use
CIDR notation is simply that it is easier to say and especially to type.
Address Class and Default Mask
happens when we extend the subnet mask past the default boundary for the
address we are working with. So it's obvious that we first need to be sure of
what the default mask is supposed to be for any given address. When faced with
a subnetting question, the first thing to do is decide what class the address
belongs to. And later decide what the default subnet mask is. One of the rules
that Cisco devices follow is that a subnet mask must be a contiguous string of
1s followed by a contiguous string of 0s. There are no exceptions to this rule:
A valid mask is always a string of 1s, followed by 0s to fill up the rest of
the 32 bits. (There is no such rule in the real world, but we will stick to the
Cisco rules here—it's a Cisco exam, after all.) Therefore, the only possible
valid values in any given octet of a subnet mask are 0, 128, 192, 224, 240,
248, 252, 254, and 255. Any other value is invalid.
Block Size
The process
of subnetting creates several smaller classless subnets out of one larger
classful . The spacing between these subnets, or how many IP addresses apart
they are, is called the Block Size.
Network ID and Broadcast ID
The first
address in a network number is called the network address, or wire number. This
address is used to uniquely identify one segment or broadcast domain from all
the other segments in the network.
Broadcast ID
The last address in the network number is called the directed broadcast address and is used to represent all hosts on this network segment. it is the common address of all hosts on that Network ID. This should not be confused with a full IP broadcast to the address of, which hits every IP host that can hear it; the Broadcast ID hits only hosts on a common subnet. A directed broadcast is similar to a local broadcast.
The main difference is that routers will not propagate local broadcasts between segments, but they will, by default, propagate directed broadcasts.
The last address in the network number is called the directed broadcast address and is used to represent all hosts on this network segment. it is the common address of all hosts on that Network ID. This should not be confused with a full IP broadcast to the address of, which hits every IP host that can hear it; the Broadcast ID hits only hosts on a common subnet. A directed broadcast is similar to a local broadcast.
The main difference is that routers will not propagate local broadcasts between segments, but they will, by default, propagate directed broadcasts.
Host Addresses
Any address
between the network address and the directed broadcast address is called a host
address for the segment. You assign these middle addresses to host devices on
the segment, such as PCs, servers, routers, and switches.
Method of Subnetting
There are
several method of subnetting. Different author different approach to calculate the
subnets. You should choose the method you can understand and perform subnetting
easily. Whatever approach you choose need conversion of decimal to binary. Cram
up this chart
To convert a
decimal number into binary, you must turn on the bits (make them a 1) that
would add up to that number, as follows:
187 = 10111011 = 128+32+16+8+2+1
224 = 11100000 = 128+64+32
To convert a
binary number into decimal, you must add the bits that have been turned on (the
1s), as follows:
10101010 = 128+32+8+2 = 170
11110000 = 128+64+32+16 = 240
The IP
address is represented in binary as
The subnet
mask of is represented in binary as
Practical approach of subnetting
When faced
with a subnetting question, the first thing to do is decide what class the
address belongs to. for examples:
The first
octet is between 192 and 223 so it is a Class C address
Default mask for Class C: is
In exam
default subnet mask is not subnetted. Now write down the given ip address as
shown here. Write down the default side of IP as it is and reset of part where
actual subnetting will perform in binary
192.168. 1 .00000001
(defaul maks)
Step 1:-
calculate the CIDR value
CIDR are the on bit in subnet mask. As you can see in our example we have on bit only in default side.
CIDR are the on bit in subnet mask. As you can see in our example we have on bit only in default side.
So our CIDR
value is 24 + 0 = 24
Step 2:-
calculate the Subnet mask
To calculate the subnet mask use the binary to decimal chart given above. Add the decimal place value of on network bit.
To calculate the subnet mask use the binary to decimal chart given above. Add the decimal place value of on network bit.
N bit==>
In our
example we are using on default mask so our subnet mask will be
Step 3:-
calculate the Total Host
To calculate the total host count the H bit and use this formula
To calculate the total host count the H bit and use this formula
Total host = 2H
Total host = 28
= 256
Step 4:-
calculate the Valid Host
Subtract 2 from Total host Every network or subnet has two reserved addresses that cannot be assigned to a host. These addresses are called the Network ID and the Broadcast ID, respectively. They are the first and last IPs in any network or subnet. We lose those two IP addresses from the group of values that could be assigned to hosts.
Subtract 2 from Total host Every network or subnet has two reserved addresses that cannot be assigned to a host. These addresses are called the Network ID and the Broadcast ID, respectively. They are the first and last IPs in any network or subnet. We lose those two IP addresses from the group of values that could be assigned to hosts.
Total host - 2
256 -2 = 254
Step 5:-
calculate the Network
To calculate the Network count the N bit and use this formula
To calculate the Network count the N bit and use this formula
Network = 2N
N bit==>
Network = 20 = 1
Step 6:-
Find out the block Size
Finding block size is very easy just subtract the subnet mask from 256
Finding block size is very easy just subtract the subnet mask from 256
256 – Subnet mask
(only the last octal, don't include the default subnet mask)
256 - 0 = 256
Step 7:-
Write down the subnet chart
Network 1
CIDR Value /24
Net ID
First Valid Host
Last Valid Host
Broadcast ID
Subnetting of CIDR /25
Now do the
subnetting of CIDR /25 using same method
Step 1:-
calculate the CIDR value CIDR = sum of all on bit in subnet mask
So our CIDR
value is 24 + 1 = 25
Step 2:-
calculate the Subnet mask
Add the decimal place value of on network bit.
Add the decimal place value of on network bit.
N bit==>
In our
example we have one on bit and as you can see in decimal chart the place value
of 1000000 is 128 so our subnet mask will be
Step 3:-
calculate the Total Host
Total host = 2H <==H bit Total
host = 27 = 128
Step 4:-
calculate the Valid Host
Subtract 2 from Total host
Subtract 2 from Total host
Total host - 2
128 -2 = 126
Step 5:-
calculate the Network
To calculate the Network count the N bit and use this formula
To calculate the Network count the N bit and use this formula
Network = 21 N bit==> Network
= 21 = 2
Step 6:-
Find out the block Size
256 – Subnet mask (only the last octal, don't include the
default subnet mask) 256 - 128 = 128
With help of
block size you can easy find out the network ID and broadcast ID of all
possible networks as we have 8 bits in one octal those can give maximum of 28
= 256 decimal number
We start
from 0 so it will end up on 255 (Do not get confuse because we are counting
from 0 not from 1 so the last digit will be 255 not 256. It will 256 only when
you count from 1 ). All subnetting will perform between these two numbers.
Create a
table of x Columns where x is the number of your network
First ip of
first network will always be 0 and last ip of last network will be 255 fill its
in chart
Now you have network ID of first network and broadcast ID of last network.
Now you have network ID of first network and broadcast ID of last network.
Now add
block size in the first ip of first network to get the network ID of second
network and so on till we get the network id of last network
First network ID 0
Second Network ID 0 +128 = 128
Fill this in
As you can
see from 128 next network is started so the last IP of first network will be
127 fill it in chart. With this method you can fill the last ip of all
Now you have
first ip ( network ID ) of all networks and the last ip (Broadcast ID) of all
networks. At this point you can easily fill the valid ip in each network. As
valid hosts are all ip address those fall between network ip and host ip.
Step 7:-
Write down the subnet chart
CIDR /25
Network 1
Network 2
Net ID
First Valid Host
Last Valid Host
Broadcast ID
Binary ANDing
ANDing is the process of performing multiplication to two binary numbers. In
the decimal numbering system, ANDing is addition: 2 and 3 equals 5. In decimal,
there are an countless number of answers when ANDing two numbers together.
However, in the binary numbering system, the AND function give up only two
possible outcomes, based on four different combinations. These answers, can be
displayed as a truth table:
0 and 0 = 0 1 and 0 =
0 0 and 1 = 0 1 and 1 = 1
You use
ANDing most often when comparing an IP address to its subnet mask. The end
result of ANDing these two numbers together is to give up the network number of
that address.
Example Question
What is the
network number of the IP address if it has a subnet mask of
Step 1 Convert both the IP address and the subnet mask to binary:
Step 1 Convert both the IP address and the subnet mask to binary: = 11000000.10101000.01100100.01110011 = 11111111.11111111.11111111.11110000
Step 2
Perform the AND operation to each pair of bits—1 bit from the address ANDed to
the corresponding bit in the subnet mask. Refer to the truth table for the
possible outcomes: = 11000000.10101000.01100100.01110011 = 11111111.11111111.11111111.11110000
ANDed result =
Step 3
Convert the answer back into decimal:
11000000.10101000.01100100.01110000 =
The IP
address belongs to the network when a mask of is used.
My easy method
of decimal to binary and vice versa to get network ID is too time consuming
process in exam. So I found this easy method.
Step 1:-
Decide from which class this IP belongs and what's its default subnet mask
As given IP have 192 in its first octal so it's a class C IP. And default subnet mask of class C is
As given IP have 192 in its first octal so it's a class C IP. And default subnet mask of class C is
Step2:- Find
out the block size. ( As we describe above)
256 -240 = 16
Write down all possible network using block size till we do not get our host
partition in middle of two network
As our host
number is 115 which fall in the network of 112 so our network ID is
And our
host's broad cast ID is as from 128 onward next network will
start. Easy as I promise
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